Selling property is stressful and complicated. All the steps from making the decision to sell to attaching that SOLD sticker across your signboard are not a cakewalk in the park. Since we’re in the business of real estate, we’ve put together this Checklist To Selling Your Property. Strap yourself in: we’ve got this!

The one thing we can always depend upon is that change is inevitable. But it also takes change to make change. Whether it’s a sea change, downsizing, expanding, economising or all part of a clever game plan, the one thing we need to keep in mind is that every sale is different. A successful sale depends upon location, the market, the economy, and most importantly – the right agent.
Once that decision is made, commit to it. Consider it no longer as “your home” but as “the property”. This mindset takes out all the emotion and keeps it purely business.

Your agent needs to wear many hats – and look great wearing them. They’ll look after property and market evaluation and appraisals, marketing, advertising, completing the legal paperwork, liaising with solicitors and conveyancing, dealing with town planning and council regulations, negotiation and showcasing the property. The best ones also end up working as your therapist.
You agent will guide you on
- the best way to sell, whether for an auction or general sale
- your selling price
- ideal marketing and advertising campaigns that meet to your budget
Do your research. Keep it local. Make sure you feel comfortable with them. Once you sign the legally binding contracts, completely put yourself in their hands. You’ve made your choice, so trust your decision.

Your agent will supply all the critical suggestions to bring the home and property up to standard – with the most economical approach *Hint: real estate agents are great connectors for repairs, pest control, capital improvement and anything property related.
Start a massive clean up with maintenance and repairs. You might also want to check with your accountant if these repairs and maintenance are tax deductible.

Excellent Real Estate Marketing effectively connects with as many potential buyers as possible.
This all starts with great photography, drafting floor plans, writing great content and creating a complete strategy that collectively uses the full power of print, digital and social media.
It’s all official once that signboard is up and installed.

This is the point where your agent really kicks the campaign into gear, arranging and hosting open home viewings while generally hustling to see the property reach the right potential buyers.

Your agent negotiates any dealings with the property and will go back and forth until the right price is reached. Once you accept the offer on the property, your agent will start preparing the final contracts and steps in with conveyancers, leading to the buyer paying the deposit.

This is the most exciting day of all. This is the day you hand over your keys, pop the champagne and do a happy dance. If dancing isn’t your thing, at least fit in a discreet dab.
The conveyancer officially receives the new title to register the new owner with all remaining paperwork completed and loose ends tied up. This is also the date you typically vacate the property, so The Ultimate Moving Checklist we created is going to come in very very handy.